Embarking on a running journey with scoliosis presents its own set of challenges – but it’s a unique one!

Scoliosis is a medical condition where the spine exhibits a sideways curvature, forming an “S” or “C” shape, rather than a straight line. This curvature can vary in severity and is often diagnosed in childhood or early adolescence. The cause of most scoliosis cases, termed idiopathic scoliosis, remains unknown, although it can sometimes be attributed to genetic factors, neurological abnormalities, or other conditions. Scoliosis can affect a person’s posture, balance, and, in severe cases, their respiratory function. Treatment options range from observation for milder cases to bracing and, in more severe instances, surgical intervention.

In 2011, I underwent a spinal fusion – correcting a 65 degree ‘S’ shape curve in my spine. I don’t know if this technically means I still ‘have’ scoliosis and the beauty of it now is I have no idea what my limits actually are.

There aren’t many adaptions I still need to take – but one of the most crucial aspects of running with scoliosis is focusing on proper form. This ensures that I’m not putting undue stress through the spine. It’s still something I’m working on improving!